Tuesday, 14 June 2011

Experiment 3 - Article Mashup

In general, people fear making judgments, so when a trusted authority tells them something, they feel like they have the protection of having listened to an authoritative person. And if their decision is wrong, they can blame that person. On the “poker” face of it, Lady Gaga’s fame and fortune caused her seemingly meteoric rise to the top of Forbes Top Celebrity 100 power list. Numbers don’t lie, but it’s the incalculable combined value of her personal brand, passion and purpose that allows her to sustain her popularity. Clearly, there's something special about Winfrey that lies behind her fame. Winfrey is a master of impression management. She understands her influence and knows how to shape her image as a means of managing her persuasion power. People seek leaders who will guide their decisions, according to Fischoff, and he says Winfrey exhibits the very qualities people look for in leaders -- authenticity and trust. Thanks to the enormous popularity and sheer design genius of a number of products that Jonathan Ive has developed for Apple, the modest and highly innovative Englishman is generally regarded as one of the most brilliant industrial designers of his generation. In addition to staggering sales figures for inventions such as the iPod and iPhone, he has won all sorts of accolades for his revolutionary designs. Jonathan Ive's innovative designs were acclaimed universally, and helped make Apple the industry leader it is today.

Jonathan Ive Article: Ask Men, Jonathan Ive, accessed 11/06/11,

Lady Gaga Article: Judy Martin, Lady Gaga And The Power Of The Feminine Brand, accessed 11/06/11, http://blogs.forbes.com/work-in-progress/2011/05/19/lady-gaga-power-feminine-brand/

Oprah Article: Kasey-Dee Gardner, Behind Oprah Winfrey’s Power of Persuasion, accessed 11/06/11, http://news.discovery.com/human/behind-oprah-winfreys-power-of-persuasion.html

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