Sunday, 1 May 2011

Electroliquid Aggregation: Parallel Projection in Crysis Environment & hypotheses

Derivatives are used to find a curve's point of inflection just as thoughts are combined to make up one manifest dream image or situation

Axonometric in Crysis Environment

Freud: Two or more latent thoughts are combined to make up one manifest dream image or situation

3 Parallel Projections in Sketchup

Series of 3 Parallel Projections

Agnesi: Agnesi presented an algebraic method for finding the curve's point of inflection, by using the method of derivatives
Freud: Two or more latent thoughts are combined to make up one manifest dream image or situation

Newton: White light is made up of a spectrum of colors, that when blended together produce the white light
Agnesi: Maria Agnesi spoke several languages and was referred to as the "Walking Polyglot"

Freud: The id refers to the raw, unorganized, inherited part of the personality
Newton: An object in uniform motion tends to stay in uniform motion unless acted upon by a net external force

36 Custom Textures - Dark to light

6 Axonometrics in Sketchup